Our Creeks: Two creeks, Grayson Creek and Murderers Creek, flow through the City of Pleasant Hill, connect with Walnut Creek, and then drain into Suisun Bay. Pleasant Hill’s creeks are part of the Walnut Creek Watershed, the largest watershed in Contra Costa County. 2018 Creek Cleanups and Trash Assessments: In 2018, dozens of volunteers cleaned up more than 3000 linear feet of Grayson Creek during community service events sponsored by the Pleasant Hill Civic Action Commission and The Watershed Project. More than 1700 pieces of trash were removed and catalogued in detailed trash assessments. This data is helping to develop policies to prevent water pollution. For example, the Last Plastic Straw Campaign utilized our data on plastic and Styrofoam waste in their presentation to the Pleasant Hill City Council advocating for a policy to reduce disposable foodware, which is a major source of creek pollution. Water Quality Monitoring: In 2018, volunteers continued to help collect monthly water samples and “first flush” data from Grayson Creek. Measurements of pH, dissolved oxygen, and other parameters were monitored and reported as part of a countywide water quality monitoring project. FPHC also collaborated with the Flood Control Connect with FPHC: Website: www.pleasanthillcreeks.org Facebook: @PHcreeks Email: [email protected]. District, the Watershed Project, and Diablo Valley College to integrate water quality monitoring fieldwork into biology classes. Grayson Creek Bird Survey: In partnership with Mt. Diablo Audubon Society, volunteers conducted monthly bird surveys to document avian diversity in two sections of the Grayson Creek riparian habitat. As of December 2018, the survey team has documented more than 60 species of native and migratory California birds in the study area. Public Outreach and Education: FPHC participated in numerous community events, including Earth Day at Diablo Valley College, Spring and Fall Nature Day Events at Wild Birds Unlimited, Watershed Day at the Capitol, the Creek Invaders symposium, and the Fall 2018 San Ramon Creek bypass construction. New Pleasant Hill Library: FPHC is actively participating in the design process for the new Pleasant Hill Library, which will be built on Oak Park Blvd. adjacent to Grayson Creek. Key objectives include creating connections between the library, nearby schools, and the creek as well as optimizing opportunities for open space, outdoor education, wildlife viewing, and a multi-benefit green corridor. We are excited that plans for the library, released in 2018, include a creekside trail, nature oriented programming, and native habitat gardens. Comments are closed.